The First initiative FAST has to offer is an opportunity for any TWH group to organize a Tennessee Walking Horse Youth Equine Educational Day sponsored by FAST, Inc. FAST has funds available, for any group to host a day to introduce the TWH to a community or group of people with emphasis on exposure to and education of children about our breed.

For information on how to apply for the funds contact Kathy Zeis, Denise Rowland or Jerry Harris. FAST will offer a “How To Outline”, promotional/education materials, volunteers and financial aid. We will offer this opportunity for as long as the funds are available. First Come First Served!

The Second initiative FAST has to offer is funding available to help New shows or struggling shows. These funds are available through the UHDP, “Unified Horse Show Development Program”, a Program started by FAST in 2011.

Two new shows have already requested and have been granted funds to hold new shows in the middle Tennessee Area. The money is available for shows nationwide. The grant request form is available on line at

For any further information contact Kathy Zeis, Vice President FAST at [email protected] or at [email protected].

These two initiatives are supported by proceeds from The 2018 FAST Gala and FAST Spring Showcase, The 2017 Lynchburg Horse Show and the 2017 50/50 FAST Cash Celebration ticket sales.

In addition, we will be offering the 2018 50/50 FAST Cash Celebration tickets soon, proceeds once again going to the marketing /promotion of the Tennessee Walking Show Horse.

Our Mission

FAST’s (Foundation for the Advancement and Support of the Tennessee Walking Show Horse, Inc.) mission shall be to engage in fundraising initiatives to provide financial support for the advancement and support of the Tennessee Walking Show Horse in the areas of Education, Equine Welfare and Protection, the Promotion and Preservation of Tennessee Walking Horse Shows and Exhibitions, Preservation of the Breed and Scientific Research and Development.

FAST believes that philanthropy is a privilege and a responsibility, and its actions are undertaken seriously and with adherence to all laws and principles of fiduciary responsibility to its donors, grantees and the public. In order for FAST to obtain its goals it must have financial support from the Tennessee Walking Show Horse enthusiasts and all lovers’ of the breed. There are various levels of giving and you may check them out here. Be a FAST supporter. Please donate today and help the Tennessee Walking Show Horse become America’s number one choice for the show ring.

FAST will provide all Tennessee Walking Show Horse enthusiasts a way to contribute to the preservation of the Tennessee Walking Show Horse and the Show venues. To donate go to our Ways to Support the Tennessee Walking Show Horse and choose how you would like to make your donation. If you have any questions or opportunities (Grant Application) for FAST contact Mike Inman, Kasey Kesselring, Kathy Zeis or any FAST Director.