Tom Seay, Best Of America By Horseback
The Best of America by Horseback television series is calling for horse owners to protect and preserve horse trails threatened by government budgetary cutbacks.
Due to the tough economic climate, many horse trails may be closed or their usage curtailed in the coming months. In a speech to the attendees at the national Equine Affaire in Pomona, California, the host of the television show, Tom Seay, called for horse groups to get ahead of the curve by volunteering to patrol, maintain and repair public trails. Seay was quoted as saying, “We have a responsibility to preserve public trails for future generations before they are closed or lost due to the short term economic crises. Any competent and responsible director or superintendent of public parks would welcome opportunities to preserve their budget and support their staff’s efforts with qualified volunteers.”
Seay is calling for horse groups and individuals to approach park managers to volunteer their assistance.
Mark Laney, Chief Executive Officer for Best of America by Horseback added with concentrated joint and group efforts, we can have a positive impact on the preservation of public equine trails for our horses and mules so that we can continue to enjoy riding the trails of the U.S.
Tom Seay of Culpeper, Virginia is widely recognized as an authority on trail riding and outdoor adventures. Besides hosting the popular television series on the RFD-TV network, he organized and led a national trail ride from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean in 1995. Seay is about to embark on a new riding adventure in April, leading a group of riders from Mexico to Canada.
The Best of America by Horseback television series is sponsored by companies with great products and services, including Leatherwood Mountains, Intervet/Schering-Plough, Tucker Saddlery, Wahl Clippers, John Deere, The Highlands, Cavallo Horse & Rider, Purina Mills, The Trail Rider Magazine, Platinum Coach Trailers, Outlaw Conversions, Rockin’ J Horse Stalls, Twisted-X Boots, Horse Quencher, Back on Track, Muddy Creek Rain Gear and Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders’ & Exhibitors’ Assoc.