Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn (R–TN 7th District) has draft legislation to amend the Horse Protection Act to help reform the Tennessee Walking Horse industry that is paramount to the economy of Tennessee. Blackburn’s draft legislation would abolish the current Horse Inspection Organization (HIO) system and create a single, independent Horse Industry Organization responsible for enforcing the HPA.
Blackburn’s draft legislation would also call for a change to the inspection protocol for Tennessee Walking Horses prior to entering the ring for competition. The draft bill calls for an objective, science-based inspection protocol that is capable of producing scientifically reliable, reproducible results.
The single, independent HIO would be managed by up to a nine-person board that has two representatives each assigned by the Commissioners of Agriculture in Tennessee and Kentucky. Two industry representatives would also be assigned to the initial board and those six members would assign up to three additional independent representatives.
Click here to view the draft legislation.