On Saturday, Jan. 29, 2011, the East Tennessee Walking Horse Association held their annual general membership meeting at the Walter State Expo Center. Mike Holbrook called the meeting to order. The minutes and financial report from the previous annual meeting was read by the Secretary Vickie Ricker.
Per the ETWHA by-laws all officers and board of directors are to be elected and certified by a majority of members present at the meeting. The officers for 2011 are President Dwight Brooks, Vice-President Mark Ricker, Secretary-Treasurer Vickie Ricker and Newsletter Tami Triplett. The Board Members are Past President Mike Holbrook, Shea Sproles, Ralph Winburn, Vickie Hughes, Terry Dotson, Keith Ailshie and Tony Bull.
The Spring Barn Party and Colt Preview for the ETWHA will be held March 12, 2011 at the Walter State Expo Center at White Pine, Tenn. Forms and Applications for the ETWHA Association can be found on their website: www.etwha.org.
Taking over his new duties as president, Dwight Brooks spook to the membership, while Mike Holbrook, and Vickie and Mark Ricker listened.