The Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders and Exhibitors Association executive committee today voted to remove director Tom Kakassy from the recently formed Unity Committee (UC).  They voted to replace Kakassy with Rob Cornelius, a member of TWHBEA's executive committee.


    Kakassy resigned from the TWHBEA executive committee last week but remained on the board as the representative from North Carolina.  He expressed his desire to remain on the Unity Committee and had the support of Marty Irby and Christy Lantis, the other two representatives from TWHBEA on the committee. 

    Tom was one of the hardest working members of the UC and had the support of his fellow members on the committee.  His expertise and hard work will be missed.  One of his fellow committee members told The  Report "The vote to remove Tom from the committee comes as no surprise.  TWHBEA has merely given lip service supporting the committee but has consistently taken actions to limit or undermine it.  Not only haved they failed to lead during this difficult time and defend the breed from outrageous attacks, their actions have had the opposite efffect."