Friends of Franklin Parks, LLC, will host the inaugural "Raise the Roofs" benefit on Saturday, June 16, under a tent at the Park at Harlinsdale Farm in Franklin, Tenn., beginning at 3 p.m.
The fundraiser is being presented by Franklin Synergy Bank, with additional sponsorship by AXA Advisors, Five Points Roofing, and Tennessee Equine Hospital.
“Franklin Synergy Bank is committed to supporting our community. We are delighted to sponsor ‘Raise the Roofs’ to benefit The Park at Harlinsdale,” said Franklin Synergy Bank President Richard Herrington. “Harlinsdale Farm is an important Franklin landmark and we are appreciative of Friends of Franklin Parks’ efforts to preserve this treasure through The Park at Harlinsdale.”
The Historic Barn and the Hayes’ Farmhouse on the site are both in need of new roofs to stop further deterioration of the structures which date back to the mid-20th century. Prior to the 2006 purchase of the 200-acre farm by the City of Franklin, Harlinsdale Farm was known as the birthplace of the Walking Horse industry in Tennessee and was a horse breeding farm and home of the legendary “Midnight Sun,” who stood stud for 25 years at the property.
The Park at Harlinsdale Farm is on the National Register of Historic Places and the property is protected with a conservation easement held by the Land Trust for Tennessee.
Roofing the two main structures at the Park at Harlinsdale Farm – the barn and the Harlin Hayes’ home – is expected to exceed funding budgeted by the City of Franklin. Through this benefit and other pledges, Friends of Franklin Parks, LLC, hopes to help in stopping the ravages of time on these structures.
Friends of Franklin Parks, LLC, Board of Governors President Dr. Monty McInturff has a special place in his heart for Harlinsdale, having spent summers working in the barn cleaning out stables and developing his love of horses.
“New roofs on these buildings will give the City and interested parties time to make plans and raise funds for additional improvements and eventual usage of these historic structures,” said McInturff. “The role of Harlinsdale Farm in equine history is an important one and could be a catalyst for a whole new type of tourism, as well as provide an enhanced facility for the citizens of Franklin.”
McInturff has been a practicing equine veterinarian in our community for over 20-plus years and is also the co-owner of Tennessee Equine Hospital. His passion is to promote and preserve our area parks by focusing on our history and our community.
“Most people don’t know that Franklin was one of the largest homes to Thoroughbreds and other breeds prior to the Civil War. Our parks are a showcase for our history,” said McInturff of Friends of Franklin’s Parks.
Other priorities of Friends of Franklin Parks, LLC, and Franklin Tomorrow include implementation of the city’s adopted Open Space and greenway Plan to create greater connectivity among parks and throughout the city.
The Park at Harlinsdale Farm is open for passive pursuits including a dog park, soft trails for walking or running, a pond for catch and release fishing and event rentals. The park is open daily from dawn to dark.
Friends of Franklin Parks, LLC, is a partner organization with Franklin Tomorrow, Inc., which was founded in 2001 by a group of community leaders for the purpose of initiating and implementing a broad-based, community driven vision for Franklin’s future. Learn more about both organizations at
Tickets for “Raise the Roofs” will be $75 per person or $100 per person for patron status. They are on sale now online at Additional sponsors include Boyle Investments and Ragan Smith Associates. Additional sponsorship opportunities exist or direct financial or in-kind services donations are also being accepted. Contact FoFP Executive Director Mindy Tate at 615-794-0998 for more information.