In 2018, the SHOW HIO formed a Judges’ Advisory Group to submit recommendations to the SHOW board regarding SHOW’s judging program. The SHOW HIO also has a Judges’ Committee which manages the judging program and training and serves as a liason between the SHOW board and the licensed judges.

The Judges’ Advisory Group (JAG) will not manage the judging program of SHOW but was chartered to review the current SHOW program and make recommendations for improvement to the SHOW board. The JAG consisted of judges, owners and trainers with the goal of getting a complete review of the current program from multiple perspectives.

The initial meeting of the JAG was held in May 2018 with a second meeting to formulate the recommendations coming in late November 2018. The group brainstormed issues and ideas surrounding the current program while also reviewing judging guidelines from other breeds.

The SHOW HIO will implement several of the suggestions in the 2019 show season and these items were reviewed in the SHOW Judges’ Training held in December in Franklin as part of the Trainers’ banquet weekend.  The following items will be in place for the 2019 show season:

1. All judges will be required to judge at least three shows every two years.  The number can include guest judging in addition to regular judging duties.  Any judge that does not meet this requirement will be considered for decertification by SHOW
2. The Celebration will not solicit nor ask for recommendations for judges from owners, trainers, competitors or sponsors.
3. Continued use of the Celebration’s judging wheel that determines on a random basis the call judge for WGC classes at The Celebration
4. Continuing education during the show season for issues that arise during the show will be published/disseminated quarterly by April 30th, July 31st, and October 31st. The JAG recommended a more stringent training curriculum for the annual training as well as the training to include a practical exercise much like the Designated Qualified Training currently administers.
5. The Spring Fun Show will administer a pilot program of judges wearing body cameras to see if this technology is better than the current system of cameras set up in center ring.
6. The Spring Fun Show or the first possible Celebration show will test the use of Ipads for judges in hopes to cut down on errors as well as the time it takes to tie the class currently.
7. Any person who wants to be considered and trained to be a judge must submit their application to SHOW no later than October 31st each year.
8. The JAG will continue to meet in May and November of each year to review the program and its improvements.