On Wednesday, November 30th the Board of Directors of these four groups met to discuss issues related to the future of the Tennessee Walking Horse in the show ring and to discuss unification within the performance horse division.

As a result of the meeting it was decided that a “Unity Committee” would be formed with 3 representatives from each group. Each group will have one week to discuss with their respective boards and appoint individuals to the committee. The Unity Committee will have no official decision making power and will gather information and then report back to the groups.

Goals & Objectives Established By The Four Groups:
1- To support one rulebook and judges list.
2- This group plans to implement a program to be inclusive of all aspects of the flat shod & padded performance Tennessee Walking Horse.
3- To market all facets of the breed.
4- Develop an organizational structure for the committee.
5- To create and implement a unified public relations effort.
6- To promote education in all aspects of the Tennessee Walking Horse.

In addition, the group also took a unified position of being against any reduction of pads and action devices and being opposed to the proposed USDA mandatory penalties.

Mr. Jackie Brown, who graciously offered his time to facilitate the meeting stated “the industry should be most grateful for all of their leaders who attended and offered their thoughts and ideas as related to ‘what is best for the horse, what is best for the industry.’”
44 people from the groups invited were in attendance at the meeting.