ThorSport Farm staff and horses had a blast bringing smiles and sharing happiness during our visit at the Tennessee State Veterans Home!
No matter the age, occupation, or status of a person- statistically proven, horses heal! They can sense our emotions that we bring to an environment and can nurture us from there. During a time where folks are facing uncertainty more than ever- our team wanted to emphasize that there is hope and that there is faith!

With the upmost respect to our Veterans, it was a joy to bring a simple smile to the Veterans and wonderful staff that mean so much to us all!
Something that’s been on the forefront of my thoughts during this pandemic is- what this time brings you will depend a lot on what you bring to this time.
With equine falling under the agricultural category- they also need just as much care during this time and are essential. From barn feeding and cleaning to keeping the horses exercised- it is very important! On a normal scale, majority of our horses are preparing for the next horse show with staff and riders but with a little thinking while we are on a stay at home order, we put our “elbow grease” to good use and took the horses to the Veterans home for another kind of “day at the office!”
Obviously, distancing and cleaning precautions are instructed more than ever- but that doesn’t mean that we throw up our hands and quit- it’s a time to think outside the box or in this case, the building!
- Allison Thorson