TWH Friends Helping Friends has set up a Facebook Page where they are hosting an online auction to help Connie Bobo. Connie is the wife of longtime horse trainer, Bill Bobo, both of Shelbyville, Tenn. Connie is suffering from not one but two rare diseases. The first is CVID or hypogammaglobulinimia and the other is Myasthenia Gravis. Myasthenia Gravis has a foundation where you can learn more about this rare disease.

Click Here to view the Immune Deficeincy Foundation's Facebook Page.

Most recently P.J. Wamble generously donated a photo shoot in auction that will end today (Wednesday) at 6pm and there is also a stud fee to World Grand Champion Watch It now that the auction will start today (Wednesday) at 6pm and will run for 48 hours ending on Friday May 31st at 6pm.

The group has currently raised over $8,000!

Click Here to view the TWH Friends Helping Friends' Facebook Page.