The nominating committee of the Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders' & Exhibitors' Association (TWHBEA) has introduced its slate of officers to run for the 2013 Executive Committee. The nominating committee consisted of Marty Irby, Linda Starnes, Joe Rankin, Mick Salm, and Chris Van Horn.
Click here to view the 2013 slate of officers.
2013 Nominating Committee Slate of Officers
President - Stephen Brown (WA)
Senior Vice President - Loyd Hall Black, Jr. (GA)
Past President - Marty Irby (TN)
Admin/Fiscal/Audit - Rob Cornelius (AL)
Horse Shows - Pat Stout (TN)
Trainers - Sherrie Szucs (OH)
Breeders - Mike Hicks (TN)
Pleasure Horse - Rick Wies (MT)
Performance Horse - Christy Lantis (CA)
Enforcement - Lori Northrup (NY)
Equine Welfare - Dr. Linda Montgomery (AL)
Marketing - Joyce Moyer (OH)
Owners/Exhibitors/International - Jason Bachert (MO)
Member at Large Bylaws - Fran Cole (CA)
Member at Large Youth - Caroline Hoffman (MO)
Secretary - Dee Dee Miller (TN)