A quick reminder that the deadline for the WHOA/ThorSport Spring Fling Horse Show entries is today Thursday, May 28th at 5:00 pm. All entries must pre-enter. No Exceptions.
Also, once driving in to ThorSport Farm each vehicle will be stopped to log a phone number and each passengers name by the gate person.
A class that I accidentally left off the schedule will be the last class of the day: Lite Shod AOT, English or Western - Class 43.
Going through the DQP inspection area requires 6 feet between each person and only one person per horse is allowed in this area. This person must also wear a face mask (covering the nose and mouth) during inspection or, the horse will not be inspected.
I know this is a lot of work for everyone and WHOA Staff but, these are the rules in place to continue having horse shows.
Food Trucks will be on the show grounds, please throw any trash that you may have in the trash receptacles.
Good luck to you and thank you for your patience and understanding to keep the horse shows  alive and safe for everyone.

 Thank you,
 Tommy Hall
 Executive Director

 Procedures for making entries for the show may be found on the following links:
Link for Show Guidelines and registration
Link for Class Schedule
Link for Membership