The Walking Horse Trainers’ Association Auxiliary is a national non-profit organization dedicated to charitable organizations. Each year the Auxiliary awards scholarships to any eligible candidate involved with Tennessee Walking Horses who is furthering his/her education. Each application is professionally evaluated and scored by several qualified professional people. Beth Thomas and Kari Tisma, both educators in Bedford County, Tennessee are currently head of the Scholarship Committee. 

Once again, the WHTA Auxiliary proudly supported six exceptional young adults as they continue their educational career. The 2024 scholarships were awarded to Harper Grider, Gracie Mourglea, Peyton Nelms, Corbin Parker, Abi Smith and Colton Trimble. 

With the endless support from the walking horse industry and the community, the Auxiliary will continue to award education scholarships year after year allowing young leaders to be the greater part of our next generation.