Fellow Trainers,
We are excited to announce that we have again launched electronic voting for this year's Horse of the Year awards. With this voting, it is our hope that we have made the process easier for you and that as a result we will have a greater participation in our voting process. You will be able to login using your trainers' license number, and once in the system you will create a login and password that will allow you to vote.
As part of the online voting, you will be able to vote using any device, computer, phone, tablet, etc. You will simply select the category and click on the circle to the right of the horses' names you would like to vote for.
You will find the system easy to use and it will save your selections so that you can vote in some categories when you login in but if you need to come back to finish your ballot later it allows you to do that as well. Once you have finalized all of your selections, you will hit the final submit button at the bottom and the system at that point will not allow you to further change your selections, but will still allow you to view your ballot.  An email with your selections will also be sent to your email so that you have your selections.
Some categories such as best one night show, groom of the year, etc. will require you to type in your selection instead of selecting from a drop down list.  Below find a step by step instruction guide for how to vote. If you have any questions reach out to Mel in the office.
The system will launch and go live on January 15th and the final day for voting will be January 31st.
1. Access the app here: https://hoy.walkinghorsereport.com/

2. Enter your trainers license number
a. If you enter an incorrect number or an inactive number the system will display an error message and give you the number to call to correct your information
b. Once you enter your number, it will prompt you to add your email address and choose a password.
3. Once that’s done, you’ll be passed to the ballot page that lists the available categories. To vote, just click the “Vote” button next to them.

4. Click on a horses name, then click the Save Vote button.

5.  For the text categories (one night show, multi-night show, etc.), those work the same way, they just require you to complete a text entry rather than selecting a horse from the list.

6. Once you’ve completed voting but are not yet ready to cast the final ballot, log out (top right) and then return to the login page. Enter your license number again. You’ll notice that it asks you to log in now, because it knows that you’ve created a password and an ID.

7.  When you’re ready, click the “Submit My Final Ballot” button and it will be saved.

8. You’ll notice that if you “View Ballot” you’ll be able to see all of your choices, but you can no longer edit them.

9. You’ll receive an email with a copy of your ballot.