As horse owners some of the most exciting moments in our lives come with the birth of a new foal or the purchase of a new horse. These new beginnings are full of potential, whether it be in the show ring, on the trail or in the breeding shed. The decisions involved in breeding for a foal or buying a new horse are vast and complex. And, many of those decisions are based on registration information that has been kept for decades by the breed registry. Everything from the performance records of a chosen sire or dam and their ancestors to ownership records that often give indications of how a horse was trained and what he may have been used for to potential positive and negative traits that may be associated with certain bloodlines. All of this valuable information comes from the registration records kept by the breed registry.
Of course, the breed registry can only record the information that is supplied by you - the horse breeder or owner. By keeping your registration records up to date, you are not only helping your registry compile an accurate history of the breed, you are helping yourself and every other Tennessee Walking Horse enthusiast make informed breeding and purchasing decisions. You are increasing the value of your horse by ensuring that his accomplishments will be recorded by the official breed registry and you are increasing the value of your own name within the breed community by ensuring that your name is recorded as part of a horse’s official record. A registered horse is eligible to participate in registry programs and accurate ownership records will enable all owners to also participate. These programs can bring monetary rewards and valuable publicity. By keeping your registration records up to date, you are playing an active part in the promotion and preservation of the breed you love.
No one is more dedicated to the sport they love more than horse owners and breeders, especially Tennessee Walking Horse owners and breeders. Over the past few years, you have worked hard to grow the membership of TWHBEA. In fact, according to a recent survey of registries for breeds including Appaloosas, Arabians, Morgans, Paints, Pintos, Quarter Horses, Saddlebreds, Standardbreds and Tennessee Walking Horses, TWHBEA is the only registry to show an increase in membership from 2010 to 2011. “We are very proud of our membership and we are very proud to be the only registry to show growth in that area. We must work just as hard to achieve that kind of growth in registrations and transfers. As a first step, TWHBEA is concentrating on ways to streamline registry forms and take our customer service to the next level,” states TWHBEA President Marty Irby.
As with just about all of the other breed registries surveyed, TWHBEA has witnessed a decline in registrations and transfers. On average, among those surveyed that have seen losses, these vital foundation areas are down between .5% and 20% with TWHBEA ranking in the high middle with a 16% decrease in transfers and a 15% decrease in registrations. These numbers may seem daunting, but you, our owners and breeders, have shown time and time again your dedication to this breed and the surrounding industry. Your prompt registrations and timely transfers, along with your commitment to encouraging other Tennessee Walking Horse enthusiasts to do the same, will ensure a long and prosperous future for the Tennessee Walking Horse. The benefits gained from keeping your registration records up to date are undeniable, both for the individual breeder or owner and the industry at large.
The simple acts of registering foals and transferring horses are the very lifeblood of the Tennessee Walking Horse industry, they are the very foundation from which everything else is built. Be a part of the lifeblood and be a part of the foundation. Keep your records up to date and improve the breed you love. Enjoy the pride and satisfaction that comes from doing the right thing while also increasing the value of your stock and assisting your fellow Tennessee Walking Horse enthusiasts. Register or transfer your new arrival TODAY!
Top Reasons For Registering And Transferring Today
Top 10 Reasons To Promptly Register A Foal
1. Avoid increased fees.
2. Let the world know that you bred this foal.
3. Make your foal more marketable in the future.
4. Establish your foal’s place in breed history.
5. Take the first step toward making your foal eligible for the National Futurity.
6. Take advantage of all the programs and benefits offered by TWHBEA.
7. Receive credit from the breed registry for your foal’s accomplishments.
8. Make sure that your foal’s future performance records are recorded by the registry.
9. Contribute to creating an accurate record of the breed.
10. Help fellow breeders make wise breeding decisions.
Top 5 Reasons For A Buyer To Promptly Transfer A Newly Purchased Horse
1. Avoid increased fees.
2. Take advantage of all the programs and benefits offered by TWHBEA.
3. Receive credit from the breed registry for your horse’s accomplishments.
4. Preserve your place in breed history.
5. Let future owners know about your part in developing a horse.
Top 5 Reasons For A Seller To Promptly Transfer A Recently Sold Horse
1. Avoid being penalized for future owners’ mistakes.
2. Avoid increased fees.
3. Assist in creating an accurate history of the breed.
4. Promote and improve your breed by introducing new owners to the breed registry.
5. Reduce the clutter and confusion created by multiple sets of registration papers.