The Foundation for the Advancement and Support of the Tennessee Walking Horse, Incorporated aka FAST, Inc. was organized in 2009 by the late Katherine Zeis Shelbyville, TN and Dr. Kasey Kesselring of Wartrace, TN.  “Kathy and I served on the TWHBEA International Board of Directors and the Executive Committee together and came to the conclusion that a foundation was needed specifically to support the show horse, “ stated Kesselring.  “I was residing in Florida at the time and Kathy flew down when we were having a TWHBEA youth camp in Florida and she and I sat in my kitchen for several days putting together the formational documents for the foundation and completing the IRS application for tax exemption status.  With our show horse under constant attack, we felt the need to develop a funding source to preserve, protect and promote our show horse.”  The foundation became active in 2010.  Kathy was a driving force in the efforts of the foundation in those early years from organizing fundraising galas to auction to raffles in order to raise the funds necessary to have a positive impact on the industry.  The foundation played an integral role in several research and development projects which have provided positive reinforcement for the efforts of the industry to defend our show horse.  In addition, FAST, Inc. served a vital role in the Contender I and Contender II legal initiatives.  While not achieving the desired goals in Contender I, an appeal was filed and the industry prevailed in Contender II which provided not only relief in the manner with which alleged HPA violations were handled, but we also recovered a portion of the legal fees spent during that lawsuit which served to be critical foundational funds as we launched the most recent legal efforts in TX and TN.  As most are now aware, the industry largely prevailed in the TX suit which stopped the removal of the pads and action devices as proposed in the most recent Biden rulemaking effort as well as forcing the USDA to develop a due process procedure that will allow for due process and potential reinstatement of exhibition privileges at multi-day show events.  The TN suit remains in process.  “With the assistance of other industry organizations, FAST, Inc. has raised in excess of $2 million dollars in the past two years to fund the most recent legal efforts.  The foundation received contributions from most every major walking, racking and spotted saddle horse industry organization, most state organizations, more than 60 individual donors and a host of additional individuals who made contributions to the UFF Show and purchased a horse card and/or exhibitor card.  Virtually every person with an active interest in the show portion of our industry has skin in the game; it has been a collective and unified effort,” stated Dr. Kesselring.  As we navigate into the 2025 show season, the industry has witnessed the delay in the implementation of the new rule making to April 1, 2025 and now until February 1, 2026.  Since that time and in no small part to our ongoing efforts to educate others across the country—legislators, other equine breeds, and agricultural secretaries across the country, the industry is now seeing a more collective effort within the equine industry to oppose the new rule making. 

What remains unresolved is the USDA’s proposed HPI program which would implement a process where the USDA would be responsible for inspecting all equine show events that fall under the scope of the HPA across the country using a USDA certified Horse Protection Inspector.  In addition to a change in administration in the White House, the USDA appeared unprepared to implement such an HPI program across the country.  “FAST does not support the soring of show horses.  FAST advocates for the fair and equitable treatment of our show horses as compared to all other breeds which fall under the scope of the HPA and an inspection program that is based on scientific evidence not on subjective opinions by inspectors who may have have a bias against the Tennessee Walking show horse, “ stated Kesselring. 

FAST, Inc. started this year with the first major show of the season at Cooper Steel Arena, the FAST Spring Showcase.  This will be followed by a new show and event during the week of July 4th, the Let Freedom Ring event and show.  Tuesday evening will be a fellowship and fundraising event for industry constituents followed by a two day show on Wednesday and Thursday preceding The Money Tree Classic and the Woodbury Horse Show.  FAST will finish its season of events in November by again teaming up with the WHTA, TWHBEA and TWHNC for the United Fall Finale in Tunica, Mississippi.  “The foundation endeavors to be able to return to funding some other important parts of our mission by providing grant funding for revived or newly created horse shows, research projects to further advance and protect our show horse, and educational programs to support our industry.  As part of that process, FAST, Inc. has launched its new website.  We are excited for the 2025 show season and look forward to further preserving, protecting, and promoting our show horse for future generations to enjoy,” said Kesselring.